Ten of The Strangest Dishes in The World

Ten of The Strangest Dishes in The World

Ten of the Strangest Dishes in the World

Food is a universal language that brings people together. It’s a way to explore different cultures and connect with people from all over the world. However, some dishes can also be more unusual or unique than others.

In this article, we will explore ten of the strangest dishes from around the world.

  • Hákarl – Iceland Hákarl is a dish made of fermented shark meat. The process involves burying the shark for several months, allowing the meat to decompose and also remove the toxins. The result is a pungent, ammonia-like smell and a strong, salty taste.
  • Balut – Philippines Balut is a fertilized duck embryo that is boiled and eaten in the shell. The texture of the egg is similar to a hard-boiled egg, but with the added crunch of the partially formed duckling. It is often served with vinegar and salt.
  • Surströmming – Sweden Surströmming is a fermented herring that is commonly eaten in Sweden. The fish is canned and allowed to ferment for several months, creating a strong, pungent odor. It is also served with potatoes and onions.
  • Escamoles – Mexico Escamoles are ant larvae that are considered a delicacy in Mexico. The larvae are harvested from the roots of agave plants and have a nutty, buttery taste. They are often cooked with butter and spices and served in tacos or omelets.

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  • Shiokara – Japan Shiokara is a dish made from fermented seafood, typically squid or octopus. The meat is marinated in a mixture of salt and viscera, creating a strong, pungent flavor and a slimy texture. It is often served with rice or as a condiment.
  • Casu Marzu – Italy Casu Marzu is a traditional Sardinian cheese that is infested with live maggots. The maggots are intentionally introduced into the cheese, where they break down the fats and create a soft, creamy texture. The cheese is often consumed with the maggots still alive.
  • Fried Tarantulas – Cambodia Fried tarantulas are a popular snack in Cambodia. The spiders are cleaned, seasoned, and deep-fried, creating a crispy texture and a slightly sweet flavor. They are served with a spicy dipping sauce.
  • Tuna Eyeballs – Japan Tuna eyeballs are a delicacy in Japan. The eyeballs are boiled or grilled and served with soy sauce and wasabi. The texture is soft and gelatinous, and the flavor is described as mild and slightly sweet.
  • Jellied Moose Nose – Canada Jellied moose nose is a traditional Canadian dish that involves boiling a moose’s nose until the skin and cartilage are soft. The nose is then chilled and sliced into a gelatinous, meaty jelly. It is often served with pickles and crackers.
  • Pacha – Iraq Pacha is a dish made from boiled sheep or cow’s head, typically served in Iraq. The head is also skinned and the meat is boiled for several hours with onions, spices, and sheep or cow’s feet. The result is a rich, flavorful soup that is often served with bread.
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