How can youths Nigerians succeed? – Dr. Lance Elakama


Dr. Lance Elakama, a well-known businessman, has advised young Nigerians and entrepreneurs to adopt the habit of reading success stories, particularly in their field of work. 

This was said by the owner of Oak Business School at a public presentation of his three books. 

The Grand Rules for the Journal of Life, Principles in Practical Management, and Starting and Running Your Own Business are the books in question.  

Elakama also stressed the need of young people learning from real-life events before embarking on a career or business path in order to avoid mistakes and follow tested paths to success.

While alluding to the fact that writing a book is an act of giving back to society, he said he feels fulfilled being able to accomplish the task of publishing the three books. 

He said: “Writing is an act of giving back to society. 

“On that premise, I feel much fulfilled that through these books; I am giving back to society. 

“The truth is that writing a book is not an easy task. 

“It requires dedication, determination, tenacity and the burning of the midnight oil. 

“At a point, you develop inertia and stop writing altogether. 

“Young people do not like to read books but they must be encouraged to read. 

“They must read to learn from successful people in their fields.” 

Elakama also said there were three kinds of people: Givers, takers and matchers. 

See also Nigeria’s problem is failure to educate people- Peter Obi

Sir Ike Onyechi, who reviewed the book: “Starting and Running Your Own Business,” recommended it to marketing and sales professionals, saying it gave an analysis of how to build and succeed in business. 

Onyechi also said: “The book says there is no secret to success. 

“When you fail, you fail forward. 

“Failure is the way to success. 

“Pay your staff well, build the people and your people will build your business. 

“Everyone should read this book. 

“It should go to marketing and sales professionals.” 

On his part, Dr. Michael Fadeyi, who also reviewed: “The Grand Rules for the Journey of Life,” said: “Elakama in his book says you should learn from every situation and challenge. 

“You must keep learning and learning. 

“Let’s try to understand our fellow humans because what annoys you in others is predominant in you, so you must be tolerant.” 


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