NAFDAC to enlighten media about dangers of illicit drug advertisements


The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has announced that it will educate broadcast media companies about illicit drug advertising. 

“We want to start sensitizing broadcast media organizations to cease collecting unlawful ads,” Nasiru Mato, the agency’s Kaduna coordinator, told journalists on Monday. 

He also said that there were illicit drug commercials on the radio and television, which needed to handle in order to preserve the public’s health. 

“Before airing the agency’s advertisements, the electronic media should verify their authenticity.  

“It’s not only about the money made from product advertising; it’s also about protecting public health by ensuring that items are genuine.”  

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Mr Mato said that the agency would also sensitize Kaduna residents on door-to-door advertisements. 

“Manufacturers of NAFDAC regulated products must ensure that they follow due process to secure advert permit. 

“The content of the advert is scrutinized and vetted before an authorisation. 

“Any unapproved advertisement is viewed as illegal, and such violation will attract serious sanctions,” he said. 

The NAFDAC coordinator said illegal advertisements were dangerous and unacceptable, adding that the agency will not tolerate misleading adverts. 

“All adverts must be verified and confirmed before broadcasting within the ambit of the law.” 

He listed some of the punitive actions against any advert violations to include but are not limited to arrest, administrative penalties and seizures. 

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