Group Regrets Pattern of Delta Task Forces Actions 

Delta Task Forces Actions 

Anioma Youth Forum Worldwide’s national leadership has denounced the irresponsible actions of several task forces operating in Delta State and urged Governor Ifeanyi Okowa to eliminate the threat. 

The task forces’ members, according to the group, have been acting in “non-stop irresponsibility,” according to a statement released on Sunday by Ekwukwo Elvis, the national publicity secretary for Delta North Senatorial District (Anioma). 

We the AYF-W raise alarm over the irresponsible actions of several task teams operating in Delta state, according to the statement.  

“As a responsive and responsible group that places a high premium on the well-being of Ndi Anioma and all dwellers in Anioma land and Delta State at large. We are appalled by the daily inundation by members of the public of the unacceptable level of high-handedness, gangsterism, and molestation of Deltans and dwellers alike by members of the taskforces operating in the State especially Asaba, the State Capital and its environs. 

“The modus operandi of the countless number of different task forces operating with Delta government crested vests have become provocative. Hence threatens the daily activities of law-abiding citizens going about their daily businesses. 

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“It is indeed an embarrassment to the State to say the least, to have a group of persons wearing the State vest of taskforce. Enforcement deploying acts of thuggery, intimation, harassment and most times also physically assaulting members of the society just to implement a simple mandate of revenue collection. 

“It is on record without any fear of contradiction that activities of members of these task forces operating in the State times without number have led to several accidents that left their victims dead, injured and properties destroyed. 

“Just Friday the 8th of July, 2022, some also persons rushed to the hospitals as a fall out of the accident along Asaba- Agbor road, Asaba, caused by the overzealousness and criminal approach of executing taskforce mandate. 

“However, AYF-W without any reservations is totally disappointed and demands that Delta State government. Especially the ministries and agencies where these task forces details from to take decisive actions to put an end to the daily ugly reports of unleashing terror on the people as their activities have reached a completely unacceptable point” 


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