Episode 7: The Negative Labelling on the Use of Marijuana in Africa

Use of Marijuana and mental health

J2S – Rethinking the Stereotypes: The Impact of Negative Labelling on Marijuana Users in African Societies (Episode 7)

The Negative Labelling on the Use of Marijuana in Africa.

How much fiction and how many journals? Where do we draw the line when using magic screens to control the world is now done unconsciously and without our conscious consent? Sometimes I have a silly thought: “What would our ancestors say if they saw the power of the technology we use today?” It would have meant that they would have possessed some of the strongest Dibias’ powers.

To some, it might come as a surprise that I’ve looked to nature’s finest herbs for artistic inspiration. After westernization, what our ancestors knew for its therapeutic uses was made illegal. Why, then, the lies? Why aren’t there more accurate narratives about the topic being sold instead of just the negative ones?

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, has long been associated with a false stigma. Due to this stigma, people are less aware of the plant’s many advantages, particularly in the field of medicine. I hope to shed some light on the benefit of marijuana and its effects on human consciousness and metabolism in this article.


Effect of Cannabis on Consciousness

Marijuana can have a positive effect on our consciousness and can improve our mood, creativity, and cognitive function. It has been shown to enhance certain aspects of our cognitive abilities, such as working memory and attention. This could make it a useful tool for enhancing our daily lives.


Effect of Cannabis on Body Metabolism

Cannabis has been shown to have a positive effect on our metabolism. Research has shown that cannabis can regulate insulin levels and improve glucose metabolism. Cannabis is also a useful tool for those who suffer from metabolic disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.


Benefit of Marijuana

Marijuana has been shown to have numerous benefits, including reducing pain and inflammation, improving sleep, and reducing anxiety and depression. It has anticonvulsant, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects, making it a useful tool for treating numerous health conditions such as epilepsy and Crohn’s disease.


The History of Marijuana in Africa: From Ancient Practices to Modern Usage and Perceptions

Marijuana has a long and complicated history in Africa that goes back thousands of years. The plant has been used for centuries for therapeutic, esoteric, and recreational purposes, and its uses have changed over time. The history of marijuana in Africa will be examined in this article, from prehistoric customs to contemporary usage and attitudes.


In Africa, marijuana has been used for thousands of years. Ancient Egypt is where some of the earliest uses were first documented. Marijuana was used by the ancient Egyptians as a medicine to treat glaucoma, inflammation, and pain. In addition to being used in religious ceremonies, marijuana was revered as a sacred plant.


The word “sacred” has resonance because it encompasses both its usage state and mode. In ancient Africa, this method of reverence meant that the usage of the plant was not stigmatized.


Marijuana use in Africa is a complex issue, with differing attitudes and perceptions. In some countries, marijuana is illegal, while in others it is decriminalized or legalized. Some regions still use the plant for medicinal purposes, while others are primarily used for recreational purposes.


Pros/Medicinal uses

  • Medical marijuana has attracted interest recently as a potential treatment for a variety of illnesses. According to a review of studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, marijuana may be effective in treating chronic pain, chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting, and spasticity brought on by multiple sclerosis. However, more research is needed to determine the long-term effects of medical marijuana use and to develop more effective treatment options.
  • Despite negative connotations associated with marijuana, there are many positive perceptions of the plant in Africa. In some regions, cannabis is considered a natural remedy for numerous health conditions, including pain, inflammation, and anxiety. Many people view marijuana as a means of promoting relaxation and improving well-being.

Cons/Negative effects

  • On the flip side of positivity, long-term marijuana use may increase the risk of mental health problems. Individuals who used marijuana regularly were more likely to experience symptoms of depression, anxiety, and psychotic disorders. The study concluded that the relationship between marijuana use, and mental health is complex and requires further investigation. It was published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology.
  • Another downside is that people who use marijuana regularly had impairments in attention, memory, and reaction time compared to those who did not. The study concluded that regular marijuana use can impair cognitive function. This is particularly true in young people, whose brains are still developing, according to the study.
  • Additionally, regular marijuana use can lead to the development of addiction. Over 9% of people who use marijuana will become addicted to it, according to a study. The risk of addiction is higher in people who start using at a young age and those who use it daily.

However, discussions about drafting laws to legalize the use of cannabis in regulated, designated, and licensed sacred and healing spaces, as well as for recreational purposes will go a long way toward eliminating these stigmas in our culture. To point people toward the enlightening advantages of its uses for various purposes, it will also involve changing the narrative surrounding its use.


Forms of Consumption of Cannabis

The effects and levels of marijuana depend on several factors, including the method and potency of the product, and the individual’s tolerance. It can be consumed in various forms, including smoking, edibles, vaporizing, and topicals.


1. Low Doses: 5 milligrams of THC or less is regarded as a low dose of marijuana (the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana). Mild effects include heightened creativity, increased relaxation, and enhanced mood. For people who are new to marijuana or have low tolerance, low dosages are advised.


2. Moderate Doses: It ranges between 5 and 20 milligrams of THC is regarded as a moderate dose of marijuana. Moderate dosages can have moderate effects, such as better focus, better sleep, less anxiety, and less pain. For people who are familiar with marijuana and have a moderate tolerance, moderate dosages are advised.


3. High Doses: Twenty milligrams of THC or more are regarded as a high dose of marijuana. Strong effects, such as heightened euphoria, altered perception, and elevated anxiety, can be brought on by high dosages. For people who are new to marijuana or have low tolerance, high dosages are not advised because they can be overwhelming and have negative effects.


This can also have negative effects if consumed in large amounts, such as anxiety, paranoia, and increased heart rate. The effects of marijuana can vary greatly from person to person and can be influenced by factors such as tolerance, the method of consumption, and the potency of the product.


Healthy Ways to Consume Marijuana

There are several ways to consume marijuana, including smoking, eating edibles, and vaporizing. The health advantages of various consumption strategies vary, though.

1. Smoking: Although smoking marijuana is one of the most popular methods of consumption, it is also the least healthy. Smoking can harm the lungs and result in respiratory issues like bronchitis.

2. Edibles: Edibles, like gummies, brownies, and chocolates, are a common way to consume marijuana, but they can also be unhealthy due to their high sugar and calorie content. Additionally, some users may find the effects of edibles to be dangerous because they may take longer to begin and may last for several hours.

3. Vaping: Also referred to as vaporizing, is a less harmful option to smoking. When marijuana is vaporized, it is heated to a temperature at which its active ingredients are released as vapor, which is then inhaled. This method of consumption may be better for you than smoking because it doesn’t cause lung damage or produce harmful smoke.

4. Topicals: Using topicals, such as creams, lotions, and balms, is a safe and efficient way to use marijuana. Topicals work by reducing pain and inflammation when applied directly to the skin. This method of consumption is healthy because it has no negative side effects and works just as well as painkillers.


In Retrospect

The history of marijuana in Africa is complex and diverse, with attitudes and perceptions of the plant differing greatly from region to region. Some regions embrace its use for medicinal and spiritual purposes, while others view it as a threat to public health and safety. Understanding history is essential for promoting safe and responsible use. We can encourage the use of cannabis for the benefit of society by being aware of its advantages and the healthiest methods of consumption.

Perhaps by making cannabis and other medically prescribed psychedelics illegal and subject to strict regulations, we can move closer to unifying our closely related consciousness. Resulting in the development of a group consciousness that is closely aligned with our identity, history, and future.



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