Surprising Facts That May Increase Your Chances of Divorce

Abused angry scared african wife victim shows stop enough violence hand gesture, unhappy black woman afraid of fight with husband feels desperate about aggression, bad relationships, family conflict

Divorce is the dissolution of a marriage or marital partnership.

Divorce often implies the cancellation or reorganization of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage, therefore severing the bonds of matrimony between a married couple under the laws of the specific nation or state.

What do people in successful relationships do differently than those in unsuccessful or unsatisfying relationships? 

Divorce is quite common in Africa, with about half of all marriages ending in divorce or separation.

Commitment has been demonstrated to be a significant element in why some couples remain together. 

There are occasions when divorce is essential, but individuals in other situations frequently express regret that they did not try harder before divorcing. 

There are several elements that increase a couple’s chances of divorce.

Some of these may be useful to know. 

  • Marriage at a young age: Marriage at a very young age increases the likelihood of divorce, especially in the early years of marriage.
  • Poor income: Having a modest income can help couples avoid stress that may lead to divorce.
  • Harsh startups

The first three minutes of a conversation are an indicator of how that conversation will end.

So, if a conversation starts gently, then it is more likely that the conversation will continue to move in a gentle and positive direction. Whereas, if a conversation starts with harshness, it will likely end in the same way.

  • Body language issues

Body language matters in our relationships. Whether we like it or not, our partner is automatically and constantly scanning our body language for cues about whether or not they are safe and loved in the relationship. 

  • Failed repair

In any relationship, we are bound to mess up. In fact, it’s only natural that couples get into conflict from time to time. The healthiest couples are able to repair after these mishaps, though. Even further, they are able to accept each other’s attempts to repair.  

  • Hyperfocus on bad memories

Happy couples spend time talking about the good times. They share recollections with each other of their favorite vacations, how they met, and what they “miss” about their early days. When things get tough, they tend to negate the tough stuff with the good stuff. 

  • low education level
  • Cohabitation before marriage
  • No religious connection
  • Being a minority race
  • Insecurity and unstable mental health
  • Repeated marriages
  • Premarital pregnancy and having divorced parents are all risk factors for divorce.

Solutions to prevent divorce  

  • Always make time to connect intimately with your partner

A couple’s prospects of marital success can be considerably improved by dedicating as little as 15 minutes each day to each other.

  • Compliment your spouse on a frequent basis, both privately and in public.

Even if your spouse appears uncomfortable or dismisses it at first, the thrill of genuine appreciation lasts a long time. 

  • Love your partner as he or she wishes to be loved. We frequently make the mistake of believing that the things that are closest to our hearts will have the same effect on our spouse. 
  • Take care of your physical appearance.  

Dress to impress your partner. Get rid of the ragged sweatpants and torn sweaters he/she despises; you can locate alternative comfy items that aren’t a total turn-off for your companion.

  • Be friends with your partner and do things together

Another aspect of long-term happy marriages is that the couples do things together that they find pleasant and exciting on a regular basis.

  • Making No Effort to Create a Family Budget

Money difficulties are important in divorce, so make sure you’re both on the same financial page from the beginning. Financial expenditures must be shared by a couple. 

  • Too Much Emphasis on Your Careers 

While it is quite feasible to devote equal attention to your profession and your relationship, many couples are unable to strike that balance.

  • Avoiding Conflict

While you definitely want to avoid violent conditions as well as constant arguing, being in a relationship with no conflicts is really unhealthy. 


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